Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

4 Subjects

Strengths Group Meeting 2

Strengths Group Meeting 2

Q DIRECTIONS: Please complete the following activity as a team and in person via Teams, WebEx or Canvas Conference by the due date. It is your team’s responsibility to arrange an appropriate time to meet. Members must be present to receive credit for this activity. All Members of your group must be present for full credit. PART 1: Your Team’s Experience Directions: After Completing the Lost at Sea challenge, discuss how your team performed during the meeting Together, explore what happened. Using the team’s Strengths Meeting #1 notes, including the Strengths Grid, answer each question below as a team: You will be answering all questions using Strengths (from your top 5 reports and from your team grid) and Your Leadership Domains (Review strengths Leadership Domains—Executing, Relationship, Influence, Strategic) The purpose of this assignment is NOT that you completed the Lost at Sea assignment and survived, but HOW you worked together, what strengths in action you observed, how you saw each other interact and evaluate each person’s strengths. You should discuss this immediately at the conclusion of the Lost at Sea assignment and share what you observed in each other, while you are on the video conference. This is NOT an assignment to be divided and each person enter their info with no discussion. The Instructor should see the discussion during your video meeting. You may use Collaborate in Canvas to work on this shared documentation to finish up any additional work. Questions- How did the team’s leadership domains surface during the Lost at Sea Activity (Simulation)? Use team member names to explain the team’s answer. What strengths stood out and dominated during the simulation? Describe this for each team member. How did the team members decide who would do what during the simulation? How did the team interact during the simulation? Describe how the team worked, made progress, disagreed, etc. Record the team’s observations of this experience in this answer. Who spoke up, who was quiet, who was reflective, who interrupted, took charge, or checked out, took notes, kept time, argued, agreed, or cheered just to name a few. Relate any of these behaviors to one of the strengths in the person’s profile. Evaluate and explain how each team member’s approach to communication may be related to their strengths outlined in the strengths grid. (We will explore more about communications style with another exercise during the semester.) .............

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Answer: Our groups strongest domains were strategic thinking and executing, and also relationship building. The strategic thinking domain helped our group by analyzing items, and deciding which ones would be most important had we been stuck at sea. With the relationship building domain, we considered everyone's individual answers and reasonings when coming up with a team rank. With executing we knew what our goal was (to complete this assignment) and made sure to follow through with a plan.